Warren County REMC encourages the installation of energy efficient heating/cooling equipment and household appliances. We offer the following rebates to our members:
Water Heater Program
Warren County REMC will offer a rebate up to $400 for the installation of an electric water heater. Rebates will be in the amount of the cost of the electric water heater not to exceed $400. Prior to a rebate check being issued, an REMC employee will verify the installation and obtain a copy of the receipt. If the member converts from gas to electric, an extra $50 is rebated to offset the cost of wiring.
Visit the website of our wholesale provider, Wabash Valley Power Alliance, power moves for additional rebates.
Heat Pump Rebates
The REMC will offer a $500 rebate to any member who installs an air-to-air heat pump with a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ration (SEER) of 15.0 or higher. The REMC will offer a $300 rebate to any member who installs an air-to-air heat pump with a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ration (SEER) of 14.9 or lower.
A $2,000 rebate is offered to any member who installs a ground source or geothermal heat pump on the REMC system. All rebates are made in the form of a check. Visit the power moves website for additional rebates.
Visit Power Moves for additional rebate programs through our wholesale provider, Wabash Valley Power Alliance.