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Rebate Programs

Marketing/Rebate Programs

Warren County REMC encourages the installation of energy efficient heating/cooling equipment and household appliances. We offer the following rebates to our members:

Water Heater Program

Warren County REMC will offer a rebate up to $400 for the installation of an electric water heater. Rebates will be in the amount of the cost of the electric water heater not to exceed $400. Prior to a rebate check being issued, an REMC employee will verify the installation and obtain a copy of the receipt. If the member converts from gas to electric, an extra $50 is rebated to offset the cost of wiring.

Visit the website of our wholesale provider, Wabash Valley Power Alliance, power moves for additional rebates.

Heat Pump Rebates

The REMC will offer a $500 rebate to any member who installs an air-to-air heat pump with a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ration (SEER) of 15.0 or higher. The REMC will offer a $300 rebate to any member who installs an air-to-air heat pump with a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ration (SEER) of 14.9 or lower.

A $2,000 rebate is offered to any member who installs a ground source or geothermal heat pump on the REMC system. All rebates are made in the form of a check. Visit the power moves website for additional rebates.

Visit Power Moves for additional rebate programs through our wholesale provider, Wabash Valley Power Alliance.

Rebate Form Application

Rebate Form Application
Find your account number in SmartHub,, or at the top of your bill.
What type of rebate are you filing for?

Maximum file size: 33.55MB

Attach photos or pdf of the store receipt as proof of purchase, a photo of the installed unit and a close up photo of the manufacturers label that includes the model number of the unit.